Thursday, April 30, 2020

Must have Self defense weapons for women

Now days Self defense, especially for women is more important in the kind of world we live. Usually women referred as weaker and are easily targeted. In a country like India where the cases of female violence are on rise. So now Self defense for women has become a necessity more than ever. Rapes, molestation, kidnapping are the most common forms of crime against women in India. And all these types of crimes are increasing in India day by day . If the women's are aware of self defense then they can safe their life or save their self from any mis happening  . The women should be aware of the strategies to be adopted under types of circumstances. For example: If they are alone at home during such an attack ,then they should hurriedly run to kitchen to find chili powder and knives to use them as weapons. Now days it's necessary for the women that they should carry self-defense weapons so that they can use them when they are in difficult situation.

Self defense weapons that Indian women should carry with themselves:

  • Cold Steel Honey Hairbrush Dagger : Hair brush dagger look smart and feel secure with women . Carrying it is very easy and it can be used as weapon for the women if they are attacked by someone  they can use this for self defense. Cold Steel Honey brush is sharper from top and it can injure a person very easily. So it can be used as a self-defense weapon for women . It totally  look like a hairbrush when you pull off then there is sharp dagger. So if there is any attacker near you then you need to do is to make a quick movement and remove the hairbrush stab.  Women can carry it very easily even in their handbags. 

  •  Pepper Spray : Pepper spray is the best brothers to all women as it is very helpful for the women's to defend their self from the attacker .Pepper spray is a chemical compound that irritates the eyes to cause a burning sensation, temporary blindness and pain. As you all know that the violence against women's are increasing day by day. Many girls gets rapped, molest if they have pepper spray with them then they can use it in the eyes of attacker which cause a burning sensation and temporary blindness by which the women can escape from there very easily and save their life. So now days most of the women carry pepper spray with them for self defense and it is easy to carry with them. 

  • Folding Knife that can be disguised as locket:  It is very portable and convenient. It just look like a locket and you can wear it as normal locket in your neck . As no one can say that you are having a knife with you . So the women can use it like a weapon for selfdefense. If they are attacked by some attacker is that they have to just unfold it and can use it for their defense. Even its single sharp cut can injured the attacker and you will get the time of escaping from there.

  • Paracord Monkey ball : On of the weapon for self defense is paracord monkey ball.It is steal ball which is wrapped in paracord . As it is very dangerous for the attackers. If you give a swing then you will realise how painful it can be if it hits the attacker. If you swing it towards the attacker then he will not be able to understand that what happened for a while and with in that time you can escape from there . You can use it when the attacker is trying to get in close then you can swing it towards his face . The most important thing to focus is on the accuracy and where the ball will go if you miss and you have to also see that you have to swing in that arc that doesn't put your body at the end of a strike. 

  • Expandable Batons: Expandable batons can be used as excellent tools for selfdefense. Don't become a victim, so be aware of your personal security. An expandable baton is a powerful and intimidating self-defense tool and is one of the best impact weapons available. It is also used by the police , security guard etc. The advantage of expandable baton is that if you hit the attacker from little bit distance then it will hit hard and then you will be able to stop the attacker in a dangerous situation. So women's can also carry expandable batons for their self-defense from the attacker. It is easy to carry with them they can carry in their handbag.

  • Small or hidden knives : When you think about self defense then you think about martial arts if the person even don't know the basics of the martial arts so how they defend themselves. So there is weapon which can be used for the self-defense that is small knives or hidden knives. If the person is attacked by the attacker if they have this weapon then they are able to save their life. Looking at the rate of crimes now days the person should have this type of weapon with them with which they can defend themselves from the attacker. Specially women's should have small knives for their defense.

We all are aware of the present scenario of our Indian society towards the women's. The crimes and violence against the females are increasing immensely, not even a single day it is increasing in an hour, minute or second now days. Daily we all hear about the news of rape, kidnapping, molesting, domestic violence. Even many of the cases are not registered due to afraid, family reputation that what the society will say and it can be any other reason. Even in many cities female came late from their office or work and they do not feel save coming alone at  night. They are always afraid of attacker or any mishappening which may occur. The attacker think that the women's are weaker and are easy target for them to attack. If the women's know about the basics of self defense and having any self defense weapon with her then she can save herself life from any mishappening . So women's should know how to do self-defense and save their life and from any mishappening. It's not necessary they have to go and take classes of self-defense they can learn it from the online classes or from books which are easily available online. But they have practice for self defense at home so they should learn self defense. Every one is very precious for them  and they should know how to save their life or defend from the attacker.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Tips and Techniques of self defense

What do you do if  you find yourself in dangerous situation and there is no one to help you ? If you know the self defense then you can tackle  that situation and save your life and even of the others. If any other person is in danger as you know about self defense then you can defend the attacker by the techniques that you know about the self defense and save the life of a person. I am sure most of the people has watched some movies by Jackie Chan or Jet Li and most of the people are impressed by some brilliant self defense tricks used by these actors in movies to get themselves out of tight situations. As the various scenes of violence and attack are not only in the movies as many similar cases or incidents occur in the  real life. The bitter truth is that it may be possible next victim may be you or from your family. As I know that no one want that it should happen to him or their family as the persons who where victims even they themselves don't know that they where the attacked by the attacker . As many people lose their life in these incident if the they know basic tips of self defense then they can save their life.  As I am not trying to tell you to start learning kung Fu or karate as most of people will say that they don't have time for this. Attacker can attack you any time , it is necessary that you learn how to defend yourself in that situation . So in this article I am going to tell you some of the proven self defense tips on how you can deal with and escape from unexpected attacker.

Best self defense tips for personal protection:

  1. Stay Calm: Many victims are being robbed, assault as they get afraid. When the person is afraid then he will either be slow to act or unable to act anything. So it is important that you keep yourself calm but not being afraid. Even you are afraid it should not be shown to the attacker. This will give a warning signal that you are not afraid of him . 
  2. Hit first : Nothing can unstable you faster during self defense than being hit first. If attacker will attack firstly so even you will get afraid . Similarly if you hit first then it will boost your confidence. So you have to act fast and attack first. 
  3. Hit where it hurts: In order to weaken your attacker with one or two kicks or punches , target those parts of the body where the attacker really feel the pain. Most the people protect their faces so don't attempt hitting your attacker face as your chance of winning will be very less. 
  4. Push him to the ground : If you push the attacker on the ground then gaining balance is not easy after being knocked off to the ground . So always try to push the attacker to the ground so that you will get a chance to escape from there.
  5. Don't ever try to win: Always remember one thing that you are not in a fight and there is no price to win a fight. Just put up  such effort that can help you to escape from the attacker. Don't try the additional skills to show off that you know these skills.
  6. Don't try to act a movie : Trying to copy or repeat the action in a movie by Jackie Chain or any other actor could be dangerous for you . 
  7. Keep Close : When ever you are trying to defend yourself keep yourself close to the attacker. If you are close to him then he will find hard to hit you .
So you found yourself in one of the worst situation where any one attack on you  there is no one to help you then what will you do ? If you know the basic techniques of self defense then you will be able to come out of that situation. As the world is full of unexpected things or happenings and it's easy to be caught off-guard any where you go , self-defense is something that everyone, male and female should know. As u might not be with a protection always who can protect you from the attacker and even police will not be with you every time so if you know the techniques of self defense then it will be easy for you to tackle the situation. So by knowing some of the handy moves could definitely help you out in a tough situation.

Some of the techniques of self defense

  • A Palm-Heel Strike : Experts has said that the heel of your palm can be a more effective weapon , especially when you don't have experience of throwing punches. To use palm heel  strike raise your arm with your palm facing towards your target. Bend your hand back and curl your finger in to protect them. Strike the nose or chin of attacker with an upward motion, keeping your arm straight and using your body weight. 

  • Elbow to the rescue: When you are trying to defend yourself from the attacker . Then you can use the elbow strike which will be painful and damaging enough to end a fight without much effort. This move can be used only when you are closer to the attacker. It can be number of positions such as some one attacking from the behind then you can defend yourself by moving your elbow straight back into attacker. When someone attacking from the side then move your elbow sideways into your attacker's ribs or move your elbow towards the face of the attacker.

  • Defending a hair grab : Hair grab is one of those attacks that can disable you right away because they might pull you down on the ground. In this the most important thing is to react immediately, timing is very important and you need to do something right away. If attacker grab your hairs then execute an elbow strike to his floating ribs. He may give chance to escape as it depend upon your force or how hard you hit the attacker. Even then he don't give you a chance to escape then you can use your other hand to hit the groin with a palm strike.   

  • A Ringing Ear Slap: The key to a successful ear slap is to be quick or fast. You have to strike the attacker before he has the time to raise his hand. A well placed ear slap is sufficient to knock out or disorient the attacker and then that time you can escape from there easily.  

Equip yourself with these moves with some do at home for practice session. As you don't need to become a ninja warrior or the karate master. All you need is to learn a few simples moves that can help you while you are in any trouble or being attack by someone. If you know the basics techniques then you can defend your self from the attacker and may get a chance to escape from there or save your life.  

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Introduction of Self Defense and its importance

Our life journey is full of unexpected things. Honestly, we don't know what will happen in next moment or the next day. As our life is the most precious thing.  So, why we take risk ? Instead enroll a self defense class to handle every situation in our life. Life is a gift. It's also unpredictable. Self defense helps the person to be  prepare  for unexpected situations and it also helps to develop increased mental and physical health. It  may be hard to imagine being attacked by stranger, but it happens every day. These attacks occur without warning and when individual least expected. As it happen mostly in the bigger cities like Delhi , Mumbai , Bangalore etc. Self defense is the act of defending oneself , ones property or someone else from physical harm. Physical Self defense is using of  physical force to counter an immediate threat of violence .As you know crimes are increasing day by day and many innocent people lost there life due to attack done by attacker for various things like robbery, their personal problem or may be any another reason. So for protecting you police will not be with you every time and every where and it is also not possible for the police to be every where so if you know about self defense then you can save your life as well as others. Self defense should not be used to harm other it should be used to save your life and others. In self defense you have not to defeat the attacker you have to remember this thing as you have to just to save yourself from the attacker as it's not a competition that you have to defeat the attacker.

Importance of Self defense and reasons why every one should learn.
  • Improve Fitness: Self defense is all about utilizing statistic movement and fitness techniques like use of hand, leg, joint locks, kicking etc. A Self defense class not only improves physical fitness but also improve mental and emotional strengths . Self defense class is not only about how to defend an attacker or how to attack, it is all about the awareness. Remember it is said that prevention is better than cure and it is always better to be aware and mindful about everything. Self defense also give you the sense of confidence and idea on how to tackle the situation.
  • Increase Balance: Good Self defense classes make the person learn or aware how to balance. When we say self defense helps us in improving balance then it means physical balance or it can be build up of core muscles , flexibility etc when we talk about mental balance means improving focus , determination, concentration etc . 
  • Self Confidence : The important factor of self defense classes is to increase the self confidence or to be fearless. In self defense class you will came to learn new techniques and also new physical abilities along with different methods of tackling situation and much more that helps build ones inner confidence. 
  • Improve your physical conditioning : The whole point of self defense classes is to prepare yourself for any situation that may bring harm to you . Physical conditioning is very important when it comes to self defense. Training and practicing prepares the person for a situation that may require the person to fight. Physical conditioning will work on reflexes and on the awareness of an attack. When you are fighting it is important for you to be focused on both mentally and physically. 
  • Develop a warrior spirit: As we all watch the news and see how terrible it can be . If we take self defense classes then it will help us to develop a sort of warrior spirit. Self defense classes prepare you for bad time as if you are attacked by some one then you will be able to safe yourself from the miss  happening and defend yourself from the attacker. 
  • Fighters reflex: You can not stand around the attacker and wait for his strike as you to move and safe yourself from the attacker. While learning self defense you can develop your reflexes and you will gain a fighter's reflex. If you attacked by the attacker then you should know how to respond to the attacker. If you know the self defense then you will know where to step and where to throw your punch . As you will be prepared for it . 
  • Positive influence on your life : Taking self-defense classes will always have an positive impact on everyone's life . Taking the classes of self defense can boost your spirits and make you a confident and a better version of yourself. 

So the learning of self defense is important as by this we came to learn many things .Even self defense should be taught in the schools to the students so that they can protect themselves from the danger which may occur at any time. If they are familiar with the self defense then they can handle the situation at that time. As some of the schools are giving classes of self defense to the students in a school in the form of Karate, judo etc and many students are showing their interest in this. When self defense is taught in the right environment,under right teacher,under the proper guidance of the teacher students would be given the opportunity to prepare for dangerous situation and prevent from the dangerous situations. Students will develop their self confidence , discipline, physical and as well as collaborative skills that reduce the violence behaviour of students in schools. So for every school it should be mandatory that they should teach the students about self defense . Self defense can be used as a subject in school it should be compulsory for all the student adopt the self defense subject. It should not be only for the private school it should be also for the government school so that every student should learn self defense and use it while they are in difficulty. And schools should have proper trainer for the students who can give them a proper training and guidance that they should get proper training of self defense.

As there are many different training center where you learn the self defense such as Shaolin Kung Fu India in Noida, Karate Training Center in Noida etc and even if person is not able to go their or not having the time to attend the training class then that person can learn self defense from the online classes which are easily available on you tube by watching video the person can learn the techniques of self defense.

Must have Self defense weapons for women

Now days Self defense, especially for women is more important in the kind of world we live. Usually women referred as weaker and are ea...